Monday - 5.5 miles - CHECK!
Tuesday - Lift - CHECK!
KB Get-Up 3 x 4/4
Plank BOSU Arm Walk 3 x 20
DB BOSU Back Fly 3 x 10/10
5:00 run @ 4% incline
Tube chop up & down 10/10/10/10
Lunge w/Curl 3 x 10/10
SB Ham Curls 3 x 20
SB Push Ups 3 x 10
5:00 run @ 4% incline
Tube chop up & down 10/10/10/10
Wednesday - 3 miles + Cross Fit workout + Abs
Thursday - 5-7 miles
Friday - 1:30:00 run
Saturday/Sunday - One of my girl friends is staying with me for the weekend, so any exercise will be recreational exercise :-D
Side Note my camera is broken :( I'm not sure what is wrong with it, I'm hoping to take it to get checked out tomorrow.
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