Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zucchini Lasagna

I spent a few hours at the library today and walking out I felt like I robbed the place.  I haven't checked out this many items since I was in my elementary library book reading club!

  • Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald
  • I'm With Fatty by Edward Ugel 
  • P90X Total Body Plus video
  • Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga video (I never knew they had workout videos at the library until today!!!  Where have I been?!)
  • Skinny Bitch - A no-nonsense tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous! (audio book)
Can't wait to start in on these!  I will be doing a book review of the last couple books I just finished reading towards the end of the week.  Do you have any good reads or videos that I should be checking out?!

10 minutes rowing
25 minutes elliptical
25 minutes biking
20 minutes lifting

      I did this circuit of lifts twice

  • Push ups - 15 (BW)
  • Mountain Climbers - 20/leg (BW)
  • Bicep Curls - 12 (10 lbs)
  • RDL - 12 (bar)
  • Military press - 12 (bar)
  • Tricep dips on bench - 12 (BW)
  • SB roll outs - 12 (BW)
      Then followed up with a couple additional abs: Eiffel towers (2 x 5) and SB med ball twists (2 x 10)

= Schweaty mess!

The newest addition to my pantry as well as the first gluten free item, Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal!  And mighty tasty it was!

I made the cereal hot on the stove and then added raspberries, honey and a little milk and whipped it up...

Until it was a pink color!

The addition of raspberries gave it just the slightest hint of sweetness that it needed.  I may have to try a cold option of this cereal though, because it was far to hot for the summer weather.  Has anyone tried this cereal in a cold breakfast yet? Suggestions?

Lunch was my new obsession: hummus wrap. I think I have given up on deli meat, that used to be my go-to lunch sandwich, but I have not purchased that in over two months!  I think this is a good swap and the price difference between deli meat and hummus (based on how long it lasts me) it pretty minimal.  Anyway, also on the wrap were green peppers, spinach leaves and ranch dressing.  I also had a side of cottage cheese and one of these guys for dessert...

Last time I made one of these it was raspberry, this time I opted for strawberry banana... mmm mmm mmm!

This recipe was given to me by my dear friend Jeana, I'm not sure if she made this up herself (she is vegetarian and does not eat cheese) or if she found it somewhere... I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she created it :)  The last time I made this, I made it with her so we followed the recipe exactly.  However, since then she has moved hundreds of miles away from me so I was forced to make this by myself (not a vegetarian and I am a cheese lover), so I made a few modifications (ie: zucchini instead of eggplant because that's what I had in my refrigerator and added ricotta cheese).

Zucchini/Eggplant Lasagna 

1 Tbsp Olive oil
2 med zucchinis or 1 med eggplant
56 oz. tomato sauce 
1 lb lasagna noodles
1 clove garlic
Fresh spinach 
1 pkg mushrooms
Ricotta cheese

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Chop garlic and mushrooms and add to olive oil in a large pan.  Saute for 2 minutes.  Add chopped zucchini/eggplant and cook 5-7 minutes.  

Cover the bottom of a glass 9x13 pan with tomato sauce, then layer noodles on top of that.  Slather however much Ricotta cheese you would like onto the noodles, then layer spinach, zucchini mix, noodles and sauce until ingredients are gone.  Finish with a top layer of noodles and sauce.  

Cover tightly with foil and bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes.  Makes 10 large servings. 

Bon Appetit! 


  1. I WILL BE MAKING THAT LASAGNA!!! Thank you so so much!! Girl, you are gorgeous by the way. I can't wait to read your review about those books wahoo!! Raspberries make everything better!! Let me know how the yoga videos go!!!

  2. Yum, that looks way good. One sad problem my husband would never go for it :(

  3. @The Hungry Runner Girl Thank you and thank you :) I tried the yoga (level 1 mind you) and it kicked my butt! Thank goodness it was only 20 minutes + 5 minute cool down/warm up. The yoga bit will be in my post tonight :)

  4. @ATTrio I'm in the same boat as you, my boyfriend would never eat it. I think when I make it for him though, I'm going to try making it half and half like a pizza. He can put whatever he likes on his side of the pan and I'll do up my side :) Worth a try right?


It's your turn! Tell me your comments and opinions!