Friday, February 11, 2011

Creating My Half Marathon Training Plan

Like I said earlier, I am running a half marathon in the beginning of May.  This is my first one and as of right now I have never run in a race (I am signing up for a 5K next month though)! When I set up my training plan I considered a number of things. First, I looked around online at individuals who have a similar fitness level (or so I think) that I am at and checked out their plans.  Second, seeing that I am a former college athlete I have an appreciation for lifting weights so I knew I wanted to continue lifting during my training.  Overall when I devised my half marathon plan I took some ideas from others and added a few of my own little touches, like lifting, to my plan.  So far I am pleased with my training plan (minus the terrible cold weather that forces me to run on treadmills). I have posted my half marathon training plan on my Fitness page, check it out if you would like.  I would love to hear any comments or questions about it.


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